Freak-out forecast
Published on February 3, 2008 By greensleeves In Misc

The weather forecast was for snow, snow and more snow. Luckily I just happened to catch the report on my bedroom television and was spurred in to emergency action. 'Quick!' order some food (and drinks of course!) on the net! I can't got out in the snow!'
The problem is I have severe osteoarthritis and didn't fancy attempting to walk down the 'horrible hills' as I call them, outside my front gate, even with industrial steel toe capped boots on and carrying my trusty walking stick. It wasn't going to happen.
Friday dawned and although it was blowing gale force winds, no snow appeared. Saturday morning at 9am I looked out of my bedroom window to a not so charming picture of the dreaded white blanket descending in a slope that would do justice to an Olympic ski run outside my gate. I decided to go back to bed.
When I awoke at 3pm all the snow had melted. That was a good idea!

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